
News, Links and Commentary

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Access - The Web, Chat, Blogging 

Most people who have low vision like to tweak their computer settings so that they can more easily see the screen and surf the Web. BBC - My Web My Way gives tips on how to do it, with instructions for Windows, Apple Mac and Linux users.

If you enjoy Internet Relay Chat and have a vision impairment, you might find TalkingIRC (tIRC) - mIRC scripts for the visually impaired to be useful.

WordPress is a popular weblog service that's reported to be relatively accessible. WordPress does not require word verification to sign up. If you want your own blog and you need it to be accessible, WordPress could be for you.

These snippets on technology came to me via VIP-L and The Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, an e-mail newsletter with news on adaptive technology.

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